SOS 1.5

Companies across the world are stepping-up their climate commitments: setting targets to reduce emissions and align with the 1.5°C target for a climate-safe world. Setting this ambition is critical but it’s only step one. Businesses need to match their ambition with robust, actionable strategies to accelerate the systems transformation we need. 水务署新SOS 1.5 project aims to support companies from all sectors to stay within the 1.5°C安全操作空间.

SOS 1.5是一项行动倡议 我们指的是商业联盟. 


    We are still not on track to limit the global temperature rise to 1.5°C. Mobilizing businesses to transform across all sectors and geographies is the only way to prevent dangerous, irreversible damage to our people and planet. While many companies are committing to become climate neutral, transforming systems remains challenging for many sectors, leading to inertia and failure to deliver the climate action we need.


    Businesses cannot survive in societies that fail. Systems transformation is gathering pace and companies investing in their transformation today will retain their license to operate in tomorrow’s economy. Successful businesses will be those who have developed robust mitigation efforts, evaluated their level of climate risk and fully adapted to build resilience. Companies recognizing the opportunity -- and the imperative -- to decarbonize will gain competitive advantage.


    SOS 1.5 is a cross-sectorial framework to help companies transform their operations and align with 1.5°C. SOS 1.5 makes ‘mission possible’ ‘mission probable’ by helping companies identify the barriers to overcome and actions needed to accelerate our transition. Replacing the Low Carbon Technology Partnership Initiative, SOS 1.5 provides sector-specific deep dives and a tailored roadmap for any company to achieve climate action, regardless of where they are on the journey. 

    SOS 1.5是一项行动倡议 我们指的是商业联盟.

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